29.07.2010 14:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Study: iPad owners are selfish elitists, non-owners are independent geeks

Filed under: iPadHey we didn't say it, we only repeated it. Consumer firm MyType has done a study of the opinions of 20,000 people, and have determined that iPad owners are wealthy, sophisticated, educated, and score very low in tests designed to chart altruism and kindness. In short, they're rich and smart, but also spoiled and cruel. If you happen to be anti-iPad (and probably vocal about it), don't worry, we're not leaving you out. Those who criticize the iPad, says the study, most likely don't own one (which seems obvious, no?), and tend to be "independent geeks" -- "self-directed young people who look down on conformity and are interested in videoga

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