27.07.2010 20:35 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Dell Streak retailing for $299 with contract, $549 without; Dell Aero gets launch deets as well

So, Dell still won't say when it will actually start selling and shipping the Streak in the US, but it did clear up a bit of confusion. First off, folks who register with the Streak pre-sale on Dell.com between July 20th and July 27th (yeah, today is the last day) get first access at ordering the phone. Pre-sale-ers will get an email link to buy the phone today, with the handset priced at $299.99 with a two-year AT&T contract, or $549.99 without. Meanwhile, Dell is being even more forthcoming in the Aero. It'll be available on August 9th for $99.99 with a contract and $299.99 without. So, are you ready for Dell to be a US phone manufacturer? Have you braced yourself? Becau

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