27.07.2010 16:35 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Dell shows off Android 2.1 running on the Streak, still planning to make it to Froyo

Dell's Kevin Andrew answered a few questions about the Streak in a new "vlog" on YouTube, and it's a mixture of encouragement and confusion. On the good side, Kevin showed off Android 2.1 up and running on the phone / tablet / lady-killer. It looks just like 2.1, of course, but with Dell's customizations still riding atop it. Oddly, while showing off 2.1, Kevin reassures us that Dell is still planning to go to Froyo (2.2), which is reiterated by the text below the video, with no clarification if 2.1 will actually be released as an intermediate measure. Either way we don't have a timeline, which is pretty much the same tune we hear with every Android handset. In other news, De

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