27.07.2010 16:05 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Apple Magic Trackpad first hands-on

So it's real, and it's a trackpad. What seemed like pure rumor and some good Photoshopping just a short while ago has magically (ha ha!) transformed into reality. If you're wondering what the Magic Trackpad is like to use -- get ready for a shock. It feels just like using a slightly larger version of a MacBook or MacBook Pro pad. And we mean exactly, right down to the multitouch gestures and whole-pad click. Yes, it clicks. There's also a new gesture, if you're keeping track -- a three-finger move that lets you drag windows around (very helpful), though you give up the functionality of being to navigate stuff like iPhoto galleries with a swipe. Not a huge loss, really. We're going to be doing some serious testing with the new peripheral, but for now, feast your eyes on the pics below. Gallery:

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