27.07.2010 15:50 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Apple releases new 27-inch LED Cinema Display

Filed under: HardwareAt long last, Apple has updated the Cinema Display line with a new 27-inch LED model that will ship later this year. With its 2560 x 1440 resolution, your pixels will enjoy 60% more elbow room than on the 24-inch LED model. In addition to the extra real estate, this model offers an iSight camera, mic and speakers, plus a powered USB 2.0 hub (3 ports) and MagSafe connector to charge your laptop. The display includes ambient light sensor, which adjusts the display's brightness in response to the light in a room. Apple's also keen to describe the display's environmental friendliness, noting that it uses mercury-free LED technology, arsenic-free glass and recyclable materials. Additional

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