27.07.2010 00:50 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Crapgadget: you never thought you'd need this (and you were right) edition

A great idea can change the world -- and a bad idea? All too often, that becomes a crapgadget. Do you really need a pair of speakers for your MP3 player shaped like stuffed bears? Juicy Couture seems to think so. How about fluffy "cat ear" headphones? We wouldn't recommend them unless you're a 13-year old girl -- or maybe getting ready for Anthrocon 2011. And don't even get us started on Tuttuki Bako, the little green box that exists so you can put your finger in it and see a heavily pixelated, monochromatic rendering of you finger in a green box! We also have a Bluetooth speakerphone unit for your wrist and an

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