27.07.2010 00:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Time and journal your meditations with Equanimity

Filed under: iPhoneRecently I was searching the App Store for meditation timers. It's quite distracting to glance at a clock while you're meditating, and conversely quite freeing to know that a chime will sound when you're done, so you can just concentrate and get to it. Of course, it's simple to use the iPhone's clock app to set a timer, and I was content with that for a long time. Then I came across Equanimity and have abandoned the clock. With great features like a journal, preparation and cool-down modes and a progress tracker, Equanimity has become a part of my daily routine. First of all, it avoids images of lotus flowers, sunsets and Buddha statues. While nice, I find them less-than-useful in this situation

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