24.07.2010 00:20 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Marantz adds Blu-ray 3D, internet streaming features across 2010 Blu-ray, audio line

Marantz has unveiled its 2010 line of high end receivers, amplifiers, pre amplifiers and Blu-ray players, and naturally the headlining upgrades have to do with streaming internet video access, Blu-ray 3D and HDMI 1.4 compatibility. You can check out the press releases for all the details, but we'll highlight the UD7005 ($899, due in September) and UD5005 ($499, August) "Universal Media Players," which earn the tag by including everything SACD, DVD-Audio, DivX and even Blu-ray 3D playback, plus improving on their predecessors by featuring DLNA v1.5 streaming access and built in Netflix and YouTube compatibilit

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