22.07.2010 23:05 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

AmpliTube for iPad available, Yngwie Malmsteen en route to Apple Store

Just a quick note for all of you virtual amping enthusiasts: IK Multimedia has announced that the AmpliTube is now available for iPad. As you'd expect, it works with your iRig hardware and the UI seems benefit from the extra screen real estate (let's be honest -- twiddling all those knobs and stomp boxes on the iPod Touch was a little bit much for us to take). It comes in two flavors: free (three effects, one amp, one cab, two mics) or $20 (11 effects, five amps and cabs, two mics). Either way it's cheaper than spending $350 for the OS X version. PR after the break.

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