21.07.2010 19:11 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

The TUAW TV Live variety show, today at 5 PM EDT

Filed under: TUAW BusinessIf you're as old as TUAW TV Live host Steve Sande, then you probably remember the TV variety show genre. These were shows like The Ed Sullivan Show that featured a variety (duh!) of different acts, from music and comedy, to balancing acts and acrobats. You never knew what you were going to see, and it was all done live. Well, fast-forward about 45 years, and you have the 2010 Apple geek edition of the variety show on today's TUAW TV Live. We've got music (fortunately, Steve won't sing), art, science, nature, and even death-defying stunts of incredible stupidity! Steve is much m

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