21.07.2010 13:50 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

MSI launches Wind12 U230 'Light,' shaves two inches and 30 clamshells from predecessor's hide

Are MSI's 12.1-inch netbooks a hair too large for you? Wonder of wonders, there's a smaller version that's practically exactly the same inside. Though the new MSI Wind12 U230 Light confusingly weighs just the same as its predecessor (3.3 pounds) and is still 1.22 inches thick, it's got a smaller 11.6-inch matte LCD screen that makes it two inches shorter in either direction on a horizontal plane. You're still getting the same 1,366 x 768 display, 1.6GHz Athlon Neo MV-40 processor, 2GB of RAM, Radeon HD 3200 graphics, 2

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