21.07.2010 08:05 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Panasonic's new Lumix lineup: LX5, FZ40, FZ100, FX700, and TS10 all official

You ready to get Lumix'd to the max? Panasonic has five new point-and-shooters prepped for this fall, headlined by the well-leaked LX5. That camera aims to keep what was good about the stylish, high-end LX3 while pushing image quality up a notch, with better image processing and a better lens in front of the same 10.1 megapixel CCD resulting in better low light performance. There's also HD recording in AVCHD Lite at 720p. The FZ40 and FZ100 super zoomers are very similar in their 24x zoom lenses and 14.1 megapixels, but the latter can record 1080p and pull off some high speed burst shooting, while the former is

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