21.07.2010 03:35 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Verizon confirms Droid X screen issues, but says they're not widespread

We just got word back from Verizon regarding those flickering Droid X screens, and sure enough, the ghastly images are not a side effect of your assimilation into the Droid collective. Verizon and Motorola have owned up to a genuine problem with a small number of Droid X displays, approximately one-tenth of one percent. If your screen starts acting up you'd best contact the authorities immediately. And by authorities, we mean tech support, not the FBI -- the omnipresent glowing red eyeball is completely normal. It told us so. Here's Verizon's full statement on the matter: "Verizon Wireless and Motorola are aware of a very small number of DROID X units that have experienced a f

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