20.07.2010 22:52 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Apple yet again reports record revenues, earnings increase 78 percent

Filed under: Apple FinancialApple just announced the third quarter results and they are astounding. Revenues of $15.7 billion. Net quarterly profit of $3.25 billion. Their margins were down 1% from a year ago, but who is going to argue when you're raking in billions of cash each quarter? Not me, that's who (note that to the best of my knowledge I'm not a stockholder in Apple). Read the full press release here, or bask in the opulence of CFO Richard Oppenheimer's words, "We're really pleased to have generated over $4 billion of cash during the quarter. Looking ahead to the fourth fiscal quarter of 2010, we expect revenue of about $

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