20.07.2010 04:35 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Some Droid X handsets have defective screens? (video)

All's not well in Creepy Red Eye land, if reports out of several cell phone forums can be believed -- a number of early Droid X adopters are documenting serious graphical or possibly electrical problems with the handset's giant screen. While we don't know how widespread the issue might be quite yet, symptoms include rapid flickering and vertical banding over all or part of the 4.3-inch LCD. Several forumites claim to have already had their phones replaced, in some cases being told the defect was a common problem in their respective launch day batches. We've contacted Verizon for confirmation and hope to have a response soon; in the meanwhile, see video examples of both issues after the break, and let us know if you've seen similar glitches in comments below.

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