18.07.2010 16:06 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

An iPhone DSLR prototype housing hits snags

Filed under: iPhone Lots of folks are happy that the new iPhone 4 has an improved camera, coming at us at a snazzy 5MP, a whole two more than its predecessor. But, alas, it's still just a camera in a phone, with a teeny-tiny lens with no manual focus or zooming options. But what if you could put an adjustable lens over that teeny-tiny lens to get what you want? A fella over at iPhoneDSLR.com has been working on a prototype housing for the iPhone that allows for attaching Canon EF lenses. Y'know, those big honkin' ones you see on the Canon DSLR cameras. Basically -- in theory, at least -- the iPhone len

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