16.07.2010 00:05 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Velocity Micro rolls out T30 Italia laptop, Vector Campus Edition desktop

As anyone that's been to a mall recently is no doubt well aware, the back-to-school season is upon us, and so is the usual batch of hardware aimed directly at students (and their parents). Among the latest is a pair of computers from Velocity Micro, including the T30 Italia thin-and-light laptop, and the Vector Campus Edition desktop. Those opting for the$999 laptop will get a 13.3-inch display, a 1.3GHz Pentium SU1400 processor, 3GB of RAM, and 120GB hard drive, all wrapped in a 0.8-inch thick casing "inspired by the rolling curves of fine sports cars." The desktop, on the other

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