15.07.2010 16:05 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Elonex 710EB color e-reader gets cheeky price bump, available for pre-order

Good golly, not another e-reader! Well, for once the Brits may actually be getting something rather affordable here -- we were promised a £99 ($152) price point when Elonex announced its 710EB e-reader back in April. Sadly, this 7-inch 800 x 480 color LCD device never materialized in mid-May, but a quick phone call to Elonex just now revealed a new launch date in early August. Before you cast your doubts, this is also semi-confirmed by the availability date on HMV's pre-order page -- we're just slightly mystified by the slight price bump to £119.99 ($184). Either way, here's hoping that we

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