15.07.2010 12:05 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Apple and HTC lead charge as smartphone market looks set to grow and grow

A recent survey of 4,028 consumers by ChangeWave has thrown up a number of illuminating statistics, which you might consider as predictable as they're informative. The chief takeaway is that people are keen on buying smartphones like never before, with 16% of respondent saying that they'll be taking the plunge within the next 90 days, which marks the biggest increase in the survey's history. Secondly, and crucially for vendor loyalists, Apple and HTC seem to be the biggest beneficiaries (or are they the stimulants?) of this interest, with both improving their share by over 50 percent between March and June of this year. RIM and Motorola have taken a tumble in that same timespan, while Palm has sadly failed to register even a s

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