13.07.2010 20:35 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Is the iPhone 4 controversy much ado about nothing or a really big problem?

Filed under: iPhoneWhat's going on with the iPhone? It certainly depends on who's talking. This morning Dan Frommer of Silicon Alley Insider says the iPhone reception problem is a non-issue and will blow over. "You can make calls, use the internet, and do everything else you should be able to do on the iPhone 4 all of the time, or almost all of the time." "But there's no reason for a huge recall. This isn't a faulty car that might kill you. It's a phone, and it's a phone that works." On the other side of the ring people are screaming for blood, and are sure the phone is just unusable. It's hard to know what to believe.

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