08.07.2010 18:20 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

HP's 11.6-inch Pavilion dm1 goes on sale

HP's Pavilion dm1 has done an awfully great job of living in the shadows, but it's just about time this 11.6-inch ultranote finally peek its head out to do battle with Gateway's LT32 and the host of others slotted between netbook and ultraportable. At long last, the style-centered dm1z is up for sale, touting space for 5GB of DDR3 RAM, a 250GB hard drive (or a 128GB SSD), a 92 percent full-size keyboard, optional external DVD burner, a 6-cell battery good for up to 5.25 hours of usage, VGA webcam, three USB sockets, a 5-in-1 card

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