07.07.2010 15:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

MobileMe iDisk app updated

Filed under: App StoreApple has updated the MobileMe iDisk app (free) with several new features, including full iPad compatibility. Now universal, MobileMe iDisk looks great on an iPad and offers full iOS 4 multitasking support. It saves its state like other multitask-optimized apps, so it'll present the last file you were browsing at launch. Also, you can open compatible documents for iBooks, Pages, GoodReader, or other apps that support the "Open in" feature. The iPad's split screen display also makes it very easy to view documents while browsing folders. If you have audio files stored on your iDisk, the app will let you listen to them in the background while you do other t

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