07.07.2010 13:50 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Samsung pushes out BX2350 and BX2335 1080p monitors

We've always been fairly fond of Samsung's Touch of Color design scheme, so we're glad to see it's still firmly in place on the company's new "eco-friendly" LED displays. The outfit's debuting its 50 and 30 series panels today, with the BX2350 and BX2335 both offering a 2ms response time, 1080p resolution, 16:9 aspect ratio and a rather unique new feature called Magic Return. Put simply, this allows users working with two monitors to have their desktop automatically moved to a powered-on screen if one screen happens to shut down -- Sammy doesn't mention if both monitors have to be in this new series, but we suspect those details (along with price and availability dates) will seep out soon.

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