06.07.2010 23:20 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Voddler video-on-demand service free to the people (of Sweden)

Voddler, the year old video-on-demand service that's wowing them in Western Europe (much like Sandra Kim did when she won Eurovision for Belgium in 1986) has just announced that as of today it is offering open enrollment to users in Sweden. The company is already boasting over 600,000 registered users (up until now, invitations we required), contracts with five of America's major movie studios, and Scandinavia's biggest assortment of free movies and TV shows. Sadly, if you're a displaced Norwegian living in the states, this will all do you no good at all: the service is not available in the US of A. We suppose this is all payback for Hulu's restrictions from international fans o

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