06.07.2010 23:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

PhoneHalo for your iPhone helps finds your keys

Filed under: iPhone if(typeof AOLVP_cfg==='undefined')AOLVP_cfg=[];AOLVP_cfg.push({id:'AOLVP_us_102867356001','codever':0.1,'autoload':false,'autoplay':false,'playerid':'61371447001','videoid':'102867356001','publisherid':1612833736,'playertype':'pageload','width':480,'height':270,'videotitle':'TUAW','bgcolor':''}); If you've ever lost your keys in the house but have your phone, then PhoneHalo might be what you're looking for -- apart from your keys. The Bluetooth device attaches to something (typically keys) and allows you to "ping" the device via an app on your iPhone. It works the other way as well, although no word o

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