06.07.2010 21:50 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Lenovo's Liu Chuanzhi: 'we are lucky that Steve Jobs has such a bad temper and doesn't care about China'

We're guessing that Lenovo chairman Liu Chaunzhi didn't intend spark a slew of sensational headlines when he spoke briefly with the Financial Times this week, but he did make a few statements that are hard to ignore (yet easily misinterpreted). The standout is that he reportedly said Lenovo is "lucky that Steve Jobs has such a bad temper and doesn't care about China," and that if "Apple were to spend the same effort on the Chinese consumer as we do, we would be in trouble." Of course, what's easily lost following the "bad temper" bit is that Chaunzhi is actually sort of praising Apple (albeit in a roundabout way), and he even later goes on to describe Jobs as "a genius," and the exception t

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