06.07.2010 11:35 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Roverpad comes clean with five new tablet PCs, one running Tegra

And here you were thinking this whole "tablet revolution" thing was a myth, huh? Out of seemingly nowhere, Russia's own Rover Computer has just issued not one, not two, but five new tablet PCs for its nine time zones, with one of 'em boasting Windows CE 6.0 and the others running on Google's Android system. Kicking things off is the Air G70, which will boast a 7-inch resistive touchscreen, a 667MHz ARM11 CPU, 256MB of RAM, a 4GB internal flash drive, WiFi, optional 3G and a microSD expansion slot. Next up is the Go G50, Android-powered 5-inch slate that relies on a Marvell PXA303, 128MB of RAM, 2GB of storage as well as 3G, WiFi, a microSD slot and a USB socket. Going even sm

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