02.07.2010 21:05 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Brite-View launches CinemaGo BV-5005HD Mini CG HD media player

Brite-View's CinemaTube may have sufficed just fine for your home entertainment needs last year, but there's nothing like a little "Special Edition" to really get the gears turning in 2010. Launched today, the CinemaGo BV-5005HD Mini CG is mostly a revamped version of the CinemaTube BV-5005HD, boasting an eSATA interface, USB 2.0 socket, inbuilt WiFi, a BitTorrent manager and access to MUZEE internet radio channels. As you'd expect, the box is built to handle 1080p output and a cornucopia of file formats including MOV, WMV, MKV, AVI, VOB, DIVX, FLV and RMVB, and content can be delivered via locally attached hard drive

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