02.07.2010 02:35 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Nexus One gets yet another Android 2.2 Froyo update, FRF91

Another day, another Froyo build. Now that Android 2.2 build FRF85 -- i.e. the big one that got pushed over-the-air to every Nexus One this week -- is out on the prowl, Google's taken it upon itself to release yet another update, FRF91. We've heard from a few tipsters that it's also going out OTA, but our devices have yet to be notified -- all the same, a direct link for the file has been found, so it's legit. Word on the street is it's just a security update, but we've to install it ourselves. Go on, live a little, download's just below. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

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