30.04.2010 08:05 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Ask Engadget: best external laptop battery?

We know you've got questions, and if you're brave enough to ask the world for answers, here's the outlet to do so. This week's Ask Engadget question is coming to us from Anthony, who is looking for an external battery pack to keep his laptop humming through those 21-hour T / TH marathon days. If you're looking to send in an inquiry of your own, drop us a line at ask [at] engadget [dawt] com. "I'm going off to college soon. I have a new HP TM2. Obviously the 9 hour battery life isn't realistic, and I would like the fabled "full day computing" experience. I do have a second battery, but it's awkward to charge both batteries, the shape doesn't fit into my bag well, and I have to hibernate to switch (which intro

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