28.04.2010 23:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

TUAW TV Live: iPad love and some stellar Mac app demos

Filed under: WIN BusinessThis appears to be the week for iPad love, since we have tons of video clips to show you (and talk about). Games, development tools, and politicians with iPads are all covered. Your host Steve Sande is joining you today at 5 PM EDT live from his new studio! Well, there's not really a new studio, but he'll be facing a new direction so it looks new. And he's got a fancy schmancy new iMac, so the video rendering should be incredible, if not utterly fantastic. To join in from your Mac or PC, just go to the next page by clicking the link at the bottom of this post, and you'll find a live stream viewer and a chat tool. The chat tool allows you to join in on the fun by asking questions or making comments.

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