28.04.2010 22:05 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Intel said to be prepping 1.46GHz Core i7 ULV processor for this Fall

There's already been some rumors circulating that Intel would be rolling out a 1.33GHz Core i7 ULV processor this summer, and it now looks like that will be followed by an even faster low-voltage processor later in the Fall. That's when, according to Fudzilla, Intel will be launching a 1.46GHz Core i7 680UM processor, which reportedly has the same 18W TDP rating and 4MB of cache as its slower counterpart, and can clock all the way up to 2.53GHz in Turbo Boost mode. Unfortunately, there's not so much as a hint of pricing or any actual laptops that will use the processor, and Intel itself is of course keeping quiet on the matter for the time being.

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