28.04.2010 16:50 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Ben-Q debuts E1260 HDR digicam with 12-megapixels, 720p video

Ben-Q might not be the most well-known name in the gadget game, but it does have a pretty solid track record when it comes to entry-level consumer electronics. The company's newest shooter might not come in the most eye-pleasing package, but the 12-megapixel E1260 HDR should do well enough in capturing those spontaneously heartwarming (or cloying) scenes with the family this summer: 720p video! 28mm 4x optical wide angle zoom lens! A 'passable' 2.7-inch LCD display! And how about that HDR image enhancement technology? Apparently, this bad boy's "high dynamic range" feature manages high contrast lighting to eliminate excessive backlight. Intrigued? This one sh

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