26.04.2010 23:50 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Student's Windows-based media center brings our own slacker childhoods into perspective

When Andrew Macdonald was asked to design a product for a high school class, he went above and beyond the call of duty -- not only did he dream up a piece of kick-ass kit, but he took the next step and made it reality. Taking cues from his Xbox (and taking care to the front-facing lights that drive him to distraction on his current DVR) this bad boy is passively cooled, features the usual HTPC connections (HDMI, optical and coax S/PDIF, eSATA, and USB) as well as 802.11n WiFi and a hot-swappable drive bay. Under the hood, one finds a 1.6GHz Atom 330 with NVIDIA ION graphics, 4GB memory, and the OS (a custom Windows XP hack running Boxee Beta) runs on its own internal flash drive. Things have certainly changed s

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