24.04.2010 02:35 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

The Engadget Show returns this Saturday, April 24th with roboticist Dr. Dennis Hong, Ryan Block, and much more!

Well ladies and gentlemen, it's that time again -- the Engadget Show is back in a big way this Saturday, April 24th at 6pm! This time around, we'll have the world renowned roboticist Dr. Dennis Hong on hand for a stirring discussion on robotics -- as well as the progress on our future robot butlers. What's more, GDGT co-founder and Engadget editor emeritus Ryan Block will be joining the round table and our own investigative reporter Rick Karr will be back with a head-scratching report on the war in the music industry over net neutrality. You can also look forward to some fine, fine music from

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