22.04.2010 01:50 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Dell Thunder explodes Android with 4.1-inch OLED screen, promises Hulu app

It's like Dell's making up for lost time with smartphones: while "Lightning" is the company's answer to Windows Phone extravagance, the Dell Thunder that's leaking out along side does up Android 2.1 with similar aplomb and a 4.1-inch WVGA OLED screen. There's a heavily custom Dell "Stage" UI on top, which seems much different (and classier) than what we've seen on the Streak or Aero. It apparently ties into Facebook and Twitter for social networking, and taps Swype for a touchscreen keyboard replacement, along with grabbing just a pinch of HTC's Sense good looks. Dell's document also claims this has Flash 10.1 for watching web videos, al

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