21.04.2010 19:50 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Botched McAfee update shutting down XP machines worldwide

We can't officially confirm this yet, but we're hearing from all over that a bad McAfee for Windows XP update is causing computers worldwide to shut down. Apparently the update deletes the svchost.exe file, which then triggers a false-positive in McAfee itself and sets off a chain of uncontrolled restarts and loss of networking functionality. Yeah, wild -- Twitter is basically going nuts, and McAfee's support site appears to be down. There's a fix out there, but it may be too late -- we've heard anecdotally that an Intel facility has been affected, as well Dish Network call centers, and we're sure there are going to be more reports as the day wears on. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in] Developing

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