20.04.2010 01:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

TUAW Review: Write and organize handwritten notes on your iPad with Penultimate

Filed under: iPadTo look at my office, you wouldn't know right away that I'm a digital kind of guy. Rather than pull up a text editor on any one of the digital devices that surround me, I'd rather grab a pen and scrawl a note on a Post-it[TM] note. Eventually, the notes are either trashed or fall under some piece of equipment, so they're definitely not for long-term use. Over the years, I've also accumulated a pile of loose-leaf binders, Moleskines, and other notebooks containing the detritus from my brain. Now that I am iPad-equipped, I finally want to move my note-taking over to the digital age. I've looked at a number of iPad apps, and most of them didn't fit my main requirement of being able to make multiple notebooks for differen

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