19.04.2010 15:06 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Five reasons why I still like the iMac

Filed under: iMacI'm about to buy a new iMac to replace the 20" that's been gracing my desktop since the Intel iMacs first arrived on the scene back in 2006. It's still a pretty good machine, with a 2 GHz Intel Core Duo CPU and 2 GB of RAM, but it's been somewhat sluggish for me lately and I want to replace it with something with a bit more horsepower. It's not that it's getting slower, but some of the apps I'm using on the iMac are severely taxing its capabilities and the 20" display is too small. When I expressed my desire for a 27" Quad-Core iMac last week, a couple of my TUAW cohorts wondered why. Several asked why I didn't just get one of the new i5 or i7 MacBook Pros, while another said I should just go out and purchase a Mac mini and a good cheap 27" display. But no, I sti

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