15.04.2010 18:35 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

HTC Droid Incredible officially official for Verizon, April 29 for $200

Though some information leaked out of Verizon's pipes yesterday, HTC just got really real with the Droid Incredible at the 99% Conference in New York today. Specs are pretty much what we expected: Android 2.1 with Sense, an 8 megapixel cam, 1GHz Snapdragon (not the underclocked core we'd heard rumored before, thankfully), WiFi, and a 3.7-inch WVGA AMOLED display. Basically, this unit is a Sense-ified HTC Desire with an up-spec'd camera and a penchant for Verizon's airwaves -- and for a whole lotta Android users, that's exactly w

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