14.04.2010 06:05 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Toshiba crams Core i3 and i5 options into business-like Tecra M11

There's no mistaking the fact that this understated machine is aimed primarily at those rocking suits more often than pajamas, but just because the all-new Tecra M11's outfit ain't flashy, that doesn't mean there's not a party raging on the inside. In an effort to keep with the times, Toshiba has equipped its newest spreadsheet warrior with Intel's Core i3 and Core i5 processors, and just in case your company has yet to evolve its operating system, a copy of WinXP is thrown in alongside Windows 7. Other specs include up to 3GB of DDR3 RAM, integrated Intel HD graphics (or an NVIDIA NVS 2100M on the $1,229 model), a 32

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