12.04.2010 17:36 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

What's on your iPhone? Steve Sande

Filed under: iPhoneWhat's on your iPhone? is a new TUAW series that we'll run occasionally so you can see what the bloggers at your favorite Apple site are running on their pocket devices. This was suggested by one of our readers, who wanted to know just what kind of stuff we had on our iPhones. Since we're a group of individuals who all think a bit differently, it makes a lot of sense to have each of the bloggers in turn write up a short blurb on their favorite apps. In this post I'll list those apps that deserve special attention, but to see all of the apps that I currently have on my iPhone 3GS, you'll need to take a look at the gallery at the end of the post. To start with, you'll find that I have a lot of camera apps. In nearly three years, I

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