12.04.2010 00:35 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

RIM buys QNX, talks in-car infotainment, 'intelligent peripherals'

RIM buying a relatively unknown company for an undisclosed sum may not ordinarily be the most exciting of the developments, but the company's acquisition of Ottawa-based QNX Software Systems does certainly raise some interesting questions, at least some of which RIM is actually answering. According to co-CEO Mike Lazaridis, RIM is buying QNX at least in part to "further integrate and enhance the user experience between smartphones and in-vehicle audio and infotainment systems," adding that the company will also "bring other value to RIM in terms of supporting certain unannounced product plans for intelligent peripherals." Lazaridis didn't get much more specific than that, but the notion of "intelligent peripherals" does offer quite a bit of food for thought, as does QNX'

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