09.04.2010 22:35 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Stick It for iPad: Beautiful "To-Do" notes application

Filed under: iPadThere's not a lot of apps that make me sit up, take notice and go "yes!" Stick It for iPad is one of those apps. Introduced to me by Mark Peterson, a developer who hangs out in the same #iphonedev channel that I do on freenode, his app ticks a lot of the boxes that I have been looking for for free form note making. Stick It combines sticky notes with a cork board metaphor. You can create new notes, edit their text (and adjust their color, fonts, and so forth), and paste them onto one of five separate boards. This allows you to work with an "immediate" to-do board, a "grocery shopping" board, and so forth.

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