09.04.2010 12:05 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Flip S1240W priced at $280 in Best Buy's systems, reads an awful lot like 'Slide HD' to us

Our army of Best Buy informants has struck again, this time delivering an internal systems entry that references an S1240W model from Cisco's consumer division, described as a digital camcorder. Aside from the obvious appearance of the Flip name in the top right corner, the retail box dimensions listed herein -- 7.7 by 1.5 by 3.6 inches -- seem an almost perfect match for the recently spied Flip Slide HD product box. At that time, we were furnished with supplemental pics pointing out 16GB of built-in storage for up to four hours of video, and today we can add a price and potential release date to the dossier. April 18 is the re

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