09.04.2010 11:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

iPhone OS 4.0: iBooks for iPhone

Filed under: iPhoneWhile we don't have a lot of detail on this tidbit from today's Apple event, we do know for sure that iBooks, the ebook reader software now available on the iPad platform, will be coming to the iPhone platform with iPhone OS 4.0 this summer. There was also a hint, but no definitive statement from Steve Jobs, that iBooks will also be available for Mac OS X. Of course, having your iBooks library on all of those different devices might make life confusing, but according to The Jobs, there will be wireless syncing of your books between platforms. Let's say you're reading a book on your iPad, and you're going to a restaurant so you decide to just pick up your iPhone and head out.

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