09.04.2010 07:20 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Ask Engadget: best method or product for organizing wall outlets?

We know you've got questions, and if you're brave enough to ask the world for answers, here's the outlet to do so. This week's Ask Engadget question is coming to us from deciBels, who is sick and tired of only being able to utilize 4 of the 7 outlets in a conventional power strip. If you're looking to send in an inquiry of your own, drop us a line at ask [at] engadget [dawt] com. "I am absolutely dying to know what the best product(s) are to maximize and organize power outlets. I have 9 cables at one outlet (big nest of cables). I ran out of space there and had to go to a completely different wall to find 2 more vacancies. That's without actually plugging in everything I would like to. I'm not a fan of havin

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