06.04.2010 00:35 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Fusion Garage JooJoo review

We're not sure what's harder to believe: the fact that after months and months of the soap-opera-like drama that the JooJoo (formerly known as the CrunchPad) has finally landed in our hands, or that within just a few days there are now two capacitive touchscreen, browsing-heavy slate tablets on the market. Sure, it's probably not the best timing for the start-up, but that doesn't diminish our interest in the 12-inch, Flash-playing device. The JooJoo is meant to be a browser-based tablet for surfing the web on your couch or while traveling, but with little previous hands-on time the big remaining question is how well does it really work? And for $499 does it provide an experience that is on par or superior to

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