02.04.2010 00:20 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

2011 Hyundai Equus to come with 'multimedia tablet,' learning tutorials from Video Professor

It's certainly not the first time we've heard of an automobile shipping sans a paper-based user guide, but unlike those other guys who toss you a CD-R with a couple of PDFs on there, Hyundai is seriously upping the ante with its 2011 Equus. Revealed today over at the New York Auto Show, the company announced that the aforementioned vehicle would ship with an Equus Multimedia Tablet, enabling users to easily and quickly pull up a slew of information and diagrams about their new whip. The outfit's US president John Krafcik didn't specifically mention the brand or model of the tablet that'd be included, but the image shown to

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