31.03.2010 12:22 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Sony Vaio P model PCG-11111L hits FCC with EVDO

What does that look like to you? We're thinking an updated Vaio P given that stretched form factor. The previously unheard of Vaio model PCG-11111L is definitely a Sony of some sort complete with CDMA850 and CDMA1900 courtesy of Qualcomm's Gobi silicon. Just don't get your hopes up that it'll be sporting Qualcomm's latest chipsets with HSPA+ and LTE coverage as it looks like those frequencies will be locked out with the help of some rather unhelpful firmware at launch. It'll also be packing 802.11b/g/n WiFi and Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR whenever it does make its first appearance, which, by the looks of a very specific confidentiality request, will be on around May 13th at a Sprint or Verizon retail store. Check the the radio bill of materials and

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